Shareware and Freeware
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This page is devoted to sites providing Shareware and Freeware for download.

Shareware is provided on a try before you buy basis, you download the program and use it for a specified time and then you should either pay for it or delete it from your system, some programs have only limited usability in the unregistered versions, and you have to pay for the program to get full use of it's features. Some have a time limit built in so that it stops functioning after a predefined time period or predefined number of uses.

Freeware is just what the name says; free the authors have provided these programs free for you to download and use, sometimes they do this because they have written other bigger programs that they want you to see, or these were just side results of other work they were doing, what ever the reason they're free.


Share Ware sites:

WinZip how can you not know about WinZip? This is the premier archive utility for managing your files. You need WinZip, or another zip utility to decompress files that you download from the internet.
MemTurbo, is a utility for recovering and defragging the ram in your computer, I bought this program a few months back and it does wonders for my system.
Hotfiles at zdnet
File Dudes
The Icon Magician, this is a program that allows you to control the appearance of your folder icons, I use it to color code my folders in Windows Explorer so that I can find the folder that I'm looking for quickly, Check out the site for full description of the program.
Cerious Software, the makers of Thumbs Plus, as well as other graphic programs.

Free Ware sites:

Print Key home page of the author of the best print screen utility that I have ever seen.
T Clock, why didn't Microsoft do this? Make that clock in your system tray work for a living.
About Time, a time synchronizing app that sets your CPU clock with time servers of the U.S. Naval Observatory and others, it can be set up to keep all the computers on a network synchronized automatically. NOTE: This program is Care Ware, for an explanation of the Care Ware concept visit this site.