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I am going to list a few of the major software sites on this page, some of these sites also have software available as shareware, and as freeware. But these are the larger companies with the larger more expensive programs.

Adobe, the folks that make Photo Shop, Acrobat and Acrobat Reader, Photo Deluxe, Page Mill, Illustrator, and dozens of other graphic related apps. One of the largest and best.
Microsoft, of course we all know Microsoft.
Print Master Publishing software from MindScape allows you to make greeting cards, banners, stationary and just about anything else you can think of.
Network Associates, bring you a full range of utilities for  your system from their world famous Virus Scan (McAfee), to the various security programs they have, to the system maintenance utilities, they have it all. Resent acquisitions of several smaller companies by Network Associates have provided customers with quiet an array of useful programs. Although most of these programs are available for download on a trial basis, the very great number of programs and the size of Network Associates dictated  that I place the link here, on the software page rather than on the shareware page.